How to Move Beyond Pelvic Floor Exercises with Prolapse

Prolapse can make the idea of exercise, well, kind overwhelming. Actually, it’s the information Dr. Google gives you that can make the idea of exercise overwhelming, or maybe seemingly impossible.

Does the thought of lacing up your shoes to go on a quick jog or to your fave fitness class feel like a luxury you’ll never experience again?

There’s so much information swimming around out there, and 99.9% of it mentions nothing more than pelvic floor exercises, yoga, pilates, and walking. And those things are totally fine if that’s what you want to be doing, but what do you do if what you enjoy doing exercise-wise is more than that? What if you want to feel strong enough to lift your kids without worrying about your prolapse giving you trouble?

In this article, I’m going to give you a few tips to help you move past pelvic floor exercises in your fitness with prolapse journey. These are tips you can get started with right now to find more ease in exercise without wondering “is this safe for my prolapse?”

Approach Exercise with Prolapse Using These Tips:

  1. Start at a place and pace that feels comfortable to you. That may mean starting really slow with light or no weight, 5-10 minutes of exercise alternated with rest, OR it may mean starting with workouts and exercises you’re already very familiar with at a higher weight and intensity- this journey looks different for everyone so there is no one size fits all. This is why going with what you feel most comfortable with, i.e. the thought of it doesn’t send you into a worry spiral, is the way to go.

  2. Keep track of your symptoms. Keep notes on your workouts. Note if you feel an increase of symptoms during or after your workouts, if a certain exercise makes you feel prolapsey, or if you already feel symptomatic when beginning a workout and how it feels afterwards. It can also be helpful to note symptoms going in so you can adjust the workout as needed. These notes will help you see a pattern and give you more guidance as to what YOUR body jives with and what you may not have the capacity for right now.

  3. Be patient. While you may not be where you want to be exercise-wise right now, there is plenty of time to get there. Be patient with yourself and your body.

  4. Build strength gradually. Your brain may want to go from 0-100, or maybe you feel as if you should be further along than you are right now, but know that slow and steady wins the race. Laying the foundation makes the house more sturdy, my friend! Each individuals exercise with prolapse journey will vary, so keep your eyes on your own so the comparison monster stays away.

  5. Don’t be afraid to challenge yourself. If challenging workouts are your jam or you’re looking to build strength, don’t be afraid to push yourself a bit. You gotta stress to progress and never-ending pelvic floor exercises without challenge won’t get you where you want to go. This is where symptom tracking can be such a helpful tool to give you more security!

  6. *Optional, but can be helpful* Hire a coach! I fully believe you can do this on your own, but if you find yourself feeling stuck, lost, or afraid of what to do and how to do it- a coach like me can help you navigate exercise with prolapse.

In my 1:1 coaching program, I support my clients navigating prolapse with individualized programming designed to meet your goals and help reduce symptoms during exercise and daily life. And, yes, maybe there are some pelvic floor exercises- but they definitely won’t be the staple of your programs!

If you’re struggling with how to approach exercising with prolapse and you want to get strong while also feeling safe in your body, reach out to me via Instagram message and let’s chat!