5 Movements to Combat Post-Holiday (or New Mom/Super Pregnant) Achiness

All the holiday stress and kid-caring leave your back aching, your pelvic floor screaming, or your whole body just feeling meh?

Here are a few stretchy movement things you can do to deal with post-holiday achiness and symptoms. 

Short and sweet today for you, friends.

Cat/Cow Stretch

10-12 of these fine stretches will do you just right.

Quadruped Rock

These feels so so good. I usually aim for 10-12 but end up doing 15-20 because I love them so much.

Quadruped Connection Breath

4-5 slow, intentional breaths to relax your core and pelvic floor.

Supine Butterfly Stretch

Stay here for about a minute to stretch the adductors and get some length into your pelvic floor muscles.

Side Lying Windmill

10-12 of these per side will help stretch out those shoulders from all the kid carrying you’ve probably been doing.

These are some of the movements seen in my programs, Foundations of Symptom-Free Fitness and Third Trimester Comfort and Calm, that help my clients release tension in their bodies (and pelvic floors), ease anxieties, and help them make the most of their workouts. You can check out those and my upcoming postpartum program, Fourth Trimester Recover and Rebuild, here.

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