Exercise in the Fourth Trimester: 4 Helpful Tips to Approaching Exercise after Birth

When it comes to exercising in the fourth trimester, meaning the first 3 months postpartum, a common thought is that everything should go back to, and feel, normal after your 6-week check up.

The reality is often much different as you are also learning a new body, and a brand new person, on very little sleep. What may have felt great in the past, may feel off or odd. You may feel as if you and your body are worlds apart having conversations with each other via snail mail.

If you’re feeling like exercise after baby is way more challenging than you originally anticipated, you aren’t alone. So often what we see online is “bounce back culture”, implying that you should immediately bounce back to your old fitness habits and pre-baby body and if you don’t, then you did something wrong.

That is SO FAR from the actual truth, my friend. Exercise after baby is quite nuanced. You’re navigating altered sleep, healing from birth, potential birth trauma, huge hormone shifts, feeding a human from your body and/or around the clock… and these changes persist beyond the fourth trimester. Your body, and your life, have changed in huge ways.

Here are some things to remember when approaching exercise in the fourth trimester, and beyond:

  • Slow is fast. You will get back to the heavy, sweaty, fast, and loud stuff in time. Lay the foundation first, you won’t regret making time for this step.

  • Your body just went through a tremendous amount of change. It may not feel, or perform, like it used to. It won’t always be this way, either. Give your body time and space while you work back into previous activity levels.

  • Leave ALLLLL the body back BS at the door. If a program or fitness person makes you feel bad about your body- peace out, bean sprout.

  • A good postpartum fitness program is worth it’s weight in gold. It’s more likely to be achievable, considering it was made with postpartum people and their lives in mind, AND you don’t have to wade through Pinterest workouts and constantly wonder “am I doing this right?”

Would you like more guidance when it comes to your postpartum fitness routine? Join my free Facebook group here where I share tips and helpful information to support you in your journey.